In the mood for a sale at Danita Art?

I hope you are having a good weekend! Are you in the mood for a sale today? Then it's your lucky day! This weekend, buy two prints from my Etsy Shop and get a third print for free!

Head to the store for more details and choose yours =) Keep on having a wonderful weekend!


Unknown said…
Me gustaría me explicaras lo de tu tienda,jolín es que pongo el traductor y no me entero de nada,ni de los precios.Un saludo.
Kelly said…
My sons 'forgot' to get me a Mother's Day gift...
this can be their gift...hee!

Heading to your store right now...
Unknown said…
Danita,Did you see in artful blogging that your blog banner was featured as blog banners they love . It is such a cute blog banner! julie
Danita said…
Right Kelly! a Mother's day gift can always be received it doesn't have to be exactly on the date ;)

Yes Julie! Thanks for letting me know!

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