Bed rest.... and the fruits of it
Thank you so much for all your kind comments and best wishes. We're so happy and we love to share great news with everybody and receive all that good energy that we need so much right now. I'm on bed rest :(
The baby looks fine but there's a problem with the placenta, so I have to be on bed as much as possible. Same thing happened with my daughter, and the rest fixed it.... the only problem is that this time I have a daughter who wants to be carried and needs to be taken care of. Thankfully my parents are here helping us... but still it's horrible to be confined to a bed (or in the best case, a chair). I usually complain that I wish I had time to sit and read or watch the TV... now that I have the time everything is b-o-r-i-n-g! Oh well... enough complaining. Everything happens for a reason, maybe this happened so I have time just for myself for a few days because I won't have much after the baby is born :P
So that's the news around here. If you have been wondering where am I, I am here, in my house... for more than a week. My husband is helping me with the store and I'm still able to paint (wohooo!). Actually I just finished a few pieces. I can't sit for long periods of time but I managed to make some stuff. I hope you like them!
"Rosas en el mar" (Roses in the sea) 5x7 on wood.
You can read the lyrics of the sond that inspired this painting here.
"The three of us" 8x10 on wood. (Sold)
"The baker" 6x8 on stretched canvas (Sold)
"Me and my fox" 8x8 on stretched canvas.
You can find them on my shop. Everything will be shipped as usual, but If I take a little bit longer to answer your mails please be patience, I may take a little bit longer but I will :)
The baby looks fine but there's a problem with the placenta, so I have to be on bed as much as possible. Same thing happened with my daughter, and the rest fixed it.... the only problem is that this time I have a daughter who wants to be carried and needs to be taken care of. Thankfully my parents are here helping us... but still it's horrible to be confined to a bed (or in the best case, a chair). I usually complain that I wish I had time to sit and read or watch the TV... now that I have the time everything is b-o-r-i-n-g! Oh well... enough complaining. Everything happens for a reason, maybe this happened so I have time just for myself for a few days because I won't have much after the baby is born :P
So that's the news around here. If you have been wondering where am I, I am here, in my house... for more than a week. My husband is helping me with the store and I'm still able to paint (wohooo!). Actually I just finished a few pieces. I can't sit for long periods of time but I managed to make some stuff. I hope you like them!

You can read the lyrics of the sond that inspired this painting here.

You can find them on my shop. Everything will be shipped as usual, but If I take a little bit longer to answer your mails please be patience, I may take a little bit longer but I will :)
My step daughter just went through a long pregnancy of staying in bed and staying down. She has a healthy little baby boy now! It is worth it. I'm so happy you can still paint!
Prayers to you,
I love "The 3 of us"!
(I have two sisters)
I'll be sending good thoughts your way!!
XOXO Jenny
You are so inspiring.
Thanks, Kylie
And even though you're in bed I'm sure everything will be fine for he/she and that your art will find its way ;)
Much Love
Por otro lado, sigue distrayéndote con lo que amas hacer, asà vas a estar más relajada y el bebé igual. Escucha música que te guste y disfruta el resto del embarazo (aunque sea en camita)
Un abrazo y te tendré en mis oraciones para que los dos estén de lo mejor!!!
take care!
Maybe you can leave a comment on mine when you can?
Thanks and good luck~
I am glad everything turned out well with your pregnancy...I was about 2 months pregnant then...Something we have in common... : )
I hope you don't mind me making comments to old posts...