Summer around here....

With all the things that are happening around here... I rather stay home and create!


andrea creates said…
Aw, me too!
Stay cool :)
Happy Weekend!
We Blog Artists said…
such incredible creations you make...gorgeous!!!!
Have a great weekend.
Ooooooh! These look so wonderful, Danita! I love that you love to stay home and create for all of us to enjoy!!!♥ (I love to stay home and create, too. I just love my summers of freedom to just BE.) How are you feeling? Are you choosing names for your special little boy? I hope you sweet little girl is having fun this summer. ~K
Danita Art said…
I'll have to check out what you're doing Andrea! I'm off to your blog :)
Thank you Char!
thank you K! I don't enjoy summer too much because here is WAY TOO HOT, but when the day is cloudy or rainy, you don't find me inside!
Michele said…
Ha me too! Totally understand that feeling. :) Love your pics, everything looks so wonderful!
Lauren said…
I am the same way, I have been holed up making art! So hot here in Tucson AZ! Your new creations look just beautiful. Have a lovely weekend! :) ~Lauren
sMacThoughts said…
How can you stop creating.... do what your heart wants -- more for us!!
Gorgeous Talent and Wonderful Pics! Thanks for sharing! OX
Elizabeth said…
You know what, Danita? You are like the sun. You awaken such vivid, saturated color!

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