New original work and baby update

I had a visit to the doctor yesterday and he sent me to the hospital to have my amniotic fluid checked and the movements of the baby... it was really scary... since the fluid is low I'm going to have another test tomorrow and if things don't get better I'll have it tomorrow, if he's moving more and the fluid is stable then we'll stick to the program... I'm a little bit scared but I trust what he's doing, if the doctor thinks that it's better to have the baby now then I'll have it know... if he thinks it's ok to wait then we'll wait. In the meantime I have to keep my mind busy or I'll go crazy, so I'm going to work today listing the new paintings that I just made. I think I haven't shared them with you, have I?

This one is called "Queen of Change" (6x6 inches on wood). She's here to remind us to embrace change instead of fearing it or rejecting it... it's usually for the best ;)

This one because some of the best conversations happens over coffee (8x8 inches)
"Home is in my mind" 6x6 inches on wood.
These 3 are sold but there are prints available here.
"Viva Frida, Viva la Vida" (6x12) on Wood.
Because I just love Frida!
Available here.

"Gone with the crows" 6x6 inches on wood.
Available here.

And finally, "Explore, laugh and love" 6x12 inches on wood.

More baby updates tomorrow!


andrea creates saidā€¦
best wishes for tomorrow danita-
take care ;)
Wendy saidā€¦
Good luck with everything! I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you.

Also, I've been planning to buy something from your shop, but the only reason I haven't is because I just cannot make up my mind! Just too much wonderfulness for me to decide.

Take care.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Sending you best wishes for your baby and you! Beautiful art - as always. ā™„
Kathryn Zbrzezny saidā€¦
Best to you!!! I am thinking of you!ā™„Kathy
Debora Hoffmann saidā€¦
I will pray for you and baby, Danita! And also for the doctors to have wisdom.

Love your new little creations! You have such a great style. :o)

Cecilia e Helena saidā€¦
Beautiful, Danita!
Unknown saidā€¦
Mucho Ɣnimo!
Seguro que tendrƔs un bebƩ precioso, como tus ilustraciones que me encantan siempre...
Un beso!!!
Fantastic paintings, I love your art! Good luck with your doctors visit, I'll be crossing my fingers. Everything will be oke, just have faith ;-)
dicope saidā€¦
Beautiful artwork !

I invite you to participate in a giveaway in Handmade Trends!

Kisses ^^

Ivy saidā€¦
Please keep us updated Danita...wishing you the best! Trust your doctors, I had something similar happen when I was pregnant with my son and he is almost 20 years old and just fine! xoxo

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