Accidents happen :(

I'm very sad today. My poor little girl has a broken ankle :(

We were riding my bike yesterday and she was on the back and her foot got caught in the back tire, she lose a lot of her ankle skin and it broke. I feel so guilty. I know accidents happen but it's a weird mixture of feelings... First we were having so much fun, laughing and enjoying ourselves. Getting some alone time just for us and the next moment she's crying and screaming and injured. And I can't stop thinking that it's my fault. She's sleeping now and I hope she will feel better tomorrow but it's so hard to look at those sad eyes. Maybe I'm making a big deal out of this but it's the first time something like this happens and she's my daughter and I feel her pain.
This was supposed to be a very different weekend but we can't control what happens next so now we'll have to change plans. I bet there should be a lot of activities to do sitting. Besides painting, drawing and watching tv... any other ideas?


Attic Rags said…
Oh my the same thing happen to me 32 yrs ago .. I hope that she feels better soon...
k said…
aw so sad! i broke my wrist when i was 8, fell off my bike, handlebar smashed into it... activity books, wordfinds, board games, card games, music (piano, recorder, harmonica), making those necklace, bracelets out of that string... lots of things to do when sitting!
PS i love that photo. so heartfelt. she will be well in no time!
Janine said…
Awww! Danita I hope she heals fast and soon all this is forgotten. Wiser for the experience!
c.raf.t said…
When I was a child it happened to me twice...the 1º time it was just an accident...I didn't know it could happen, and my mum couldn't immagine either..the 2º time it was my fault as I didn't pay attention..!!After that my mum, was repeating me all the time to be careful!!But fortunately I didn't break the ankles..just the skin..
It makes you feel so helpless when you can't take the pain away. So sorry. Stuff happens and it's part of life.
Lorena 3Ch said…
= (, I'm sorry! hope to recover soon. Well, we love playing with puppets, doing voices and making up stories! =} For the last few days I am fan of your work is very motivating for me.
A Peruvian Greetings from Spain.
A super hug. and as you say, accidents happen, but as mothers is painful to see our children unhappy.
Sunnybug said…
Technology - Ipod Touch, Wii, laptop to find online games, etc. So Sorry this happened I feel for you - it would break my heart!
Unknown said…
Pobrecita, pero no te preocupes que esas cosas pasan y los niños parecen de goma, además veras que en cuanto pasan los primeros momentos de dolor se siente como una reina, porque les encanta que les mimemos, se ponen tontitos, jajajajaja...........
Los niños son inquietos y estas cosas pasan.
Así que dale muchos mimitos y ya veras que pronto se recupera.
vivian said…
aww! poor baby. dont feel guilty, accidents do happen. I could write a list soooo long of all the trips to the hospital for illnesses, stitches, broken bones, eye injuries, surgeries.. 4 kids.. and I can tell you as many times as it happens, it never gets easier.. theres always that same sick feeling in your tummy that somethings happen to your sweet child and that they are hurting. YOu just love them harder while they recouperate. New coloring books and crayons and popsicles were usually what kept my kids happy when they would get laid up!
hope you and your sweet girl have have a pleasant day today!
Sarah said…
You are a good mama. Sometimes bad luck just hits us. You could help her make some paper dolls and a little town for them to live in. Checkers is good, too.
oh! it's sad, but courage, do you feel guilty too - I think both of you entered is you need consolation - I wish you: you have the peace of your conscience and your daughter a kiss
Hola bonita!
Te entiendo perfectamente, pero la culpa no sirve para nada, cada uno actua lo mejor que sabe en ese momento. Ojalá encuentres algo positivo de la experiencia. Llena a tu pequeña de besos y si te hace sentir mejor pídele disculpas pero somos mamás y aunque nos gustaría proteger a nuestros pequeños por encima de todo, no tenemos superpoderes.
Un beso grandote para las dos
Simone said…
Danita, I am so sorry that your little girl has hurt herself. I think we always feel our children's pain so deeply. I am sure she will soon feel better with all the love and comfort you give to her. x
Giggles said…
Awe I feel your pain! It was an unfortunate accident! We will always blame ourselves...I think guilt and motherhood go hand in hand!

Hate to tell you this but it never ends, we feel their pain forever. I feel my son-in-laws pain now too! So don't be so hard on yourself. You're a good mom with wonderful intentions.

When my daughter was just over two I started playing cards with her! A game called up the river. You match the cards one after the other...first person starts with any card...say it's a 3 of clubs...the next person puts down either a club or a 3.... of course the 3 would change the suit. 2's and jacks are you can change it to any suit. If you can't play you pick up a new card. The person to get rid of all their cards first wins! It's fun and helps with math skills. When she got older we played rummy, and open handed crib... She was always good at math and loves not so much.. lol

Oh and you could get a puzzle. Or take an old puzzle put it together, let her make art on it....then destroy it and do the puzzle together with her art on it!!
All the best of luck!

Hugs Giggles
Lisa said…
My son was recounting the time our van door got slammed on his finger. That had to be more than a decade ago and I still got that sick feeling in my stomach and that prickly feeling in the back. Parenting is not for the weak. :) She'll be as good as new in no time.
Lisa said…
Should I tell her that now would be a good time to ask you for a pony? hehe
urbancurtsy said…
You guys could watch The Sound of Music and learn all the songs together, or My Fair Lady, or just eat alot of yummy food, cream, chocolate, and pastries. Oh, sweet girl, it will be better in no time! I feel your pain though that would be really hard as a mom to watch. Hang in there!
Annette said…
You didn't mean for it to happen. :) - I am so sorry that she is going through the pain of the injury. :( She will be fine and learn from the whole thing. You all will.

You should make paper dolls together, build little houses for them, and play imagination games. My children LOVED it when I played imagination games with them.
Gingermelon said…
Awww, poor sweetie! I hope she's feeling better today!
Unknown said…
Poor deary...Why does that kind of thing happen when your in the middle of fun... A couple years ago my daughter was playing tag with my son and neighborhood kids having a good ole time then suddenly she fell in the asphault face first broke her front tooth right into her tp lip which is now a scare along with a badly scraped up knee...not nearly as terrible as your daughter breaking her ankle...I am so sad for her. I hope your guilt will subside...Surely it was an accident and she knows that too...soon she will be all better. I think she should get busy making art with you while she is healing...I love kid art...I bet she is talented like her Mama. Best wishes to her healing and many hugs and kisses....Take care Danita...Don't you dare beat yourself up about it...Hugs,Mica
Michelle said…
Oh, the poor thing! And poor mom! I hope she heals quickly. I reccomend a big pack of multicolored sculpey clay. My kids love to create animals and people with the stuff. If you have a Hobby lobby they usually have a 40% off coupon.
~As I shared w/ you on FB, our Rowan dislocated her kneecap a few weeks back on Valentines Day,evening~
Same thing everyone was happy, Then suddenly Rowan was screaming.~Scarey~
But, she is recovering very nicely.~
~We have a large basket full of fun stuff by the chair she sits in.~Play-Doe, books, beads,markers, coloring books ect.~But, now is a nice time to have a Tea Party~ do it up all pretty w/ flowers & nice cookies.~

~Danita, she will get all better~ Much love to both of you !~
Some of the best memories children have of childhood center around that secure feeling that we have of the times our parents nursed up back to health. You are building a bond that only comes with the bad. You are teaching her how to handle crises as they arise. You are teaching her how to mother.
Bo Kim said…
Aw! I'm sure she'll understand mommy's feeling. hope she heals fast!
Art said…
I hope she's feeling better today!
Art said…
I hope she's feeling better today!
randygabriel said…
Painting her cast together can be fun! I used to go to the Childrens Hospital in Phila when I was in college and paint the casks of the sick kids-they loved it! sad, of course it's not your fault, but I Know the feeling, we will always suffer for our children, no matter what. I hope you and you beautiful daugther are feeling better. Blessings to you :-)
Anonymous said…
Sweet, sweet lady, please don't feel guilty. Don't know why such crummy things happen, but on the upside think of all the fun you'll have making it up to her.
Anonymous said…
O I'm so sorry... it's a mother's lot to always feel guilty. Things happen.
I always feel awful when i think of my daughter My daughter who broke her ankle at 15 (2 plates and 9 screws Yikes!) and I said to the school just put an icepack on it.
She tends to be a bit dramatic. and I thought she was crying wolf.... anyway we do have funny stories to tell from that time.
It will become part of your daughter's history and I'm sure she is been fussed over and spoilt.( It's the guilt thing!!!)
My daughter especially loves telling everyone that I said I'm sure it's fine, just put an icepack on it. Meanwhile that does sit in the pit of my stomach when she says it..... I'm an awful mother!!!!!
janil said…
Oh...I hope our daughter feels better and you too!!!

A big hug!

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