Arte en el Parque

I just realized I haven't posted anything in about 10 days.. and that's a lot! I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I have a good excuse for being absent: I was preparing for my first selling booth at a local event called Art in the Park. It is hosted the last Saturday of each month from April to September in a park and there a lot of events for people of all ages. There are crafty things to do for kids, lots of yummy food, music and an array of different vendors. I've been a visitor to those events for many years and this one I finally decided to be part of it and invited my cousin who make the bags to come with me. We didn't know how much work it is!

There were lots of difficulties and we weren't prepared for everything but it was a great experience to be our first. The main problem was that we were told we were going to get a 10x10 feet space and we got a 7x5... the canopy didn't fit. Do you see the tree? Well, from there to the bush to the right was all the space we had.

We had to move everything to the side because other person was going to use the space next to us and we used the tree to display most of the bags and the person next to us was very rude :(
But luckily everything fit in that small space!
We're going to ask for the promised 10x10 ft space for next month and we are already planning how to decorate better and add a banner (which we couldn't use because of the space). There were lots of things we didn't consider even though we planned it very well and we're going to be prepared for next time. Things you only get with the experience.

I was a little nervous because nobody knows me here and it was so nice to hear the feedback from the people and the nice comments. Everybody had a great time and I was dog tired by the end of the dead but very happy!

Now I'm going to resume my normal activities and I'll be back next month. If you have suggestions or ideas please share!

Have a great week!


andrea creates said…
good luck for your next show.
seems like there's always some glitch to deal with when i do one ;)
your space looks good anyway!
Georgina said…
I'll have to check it out. I haven't been to Art in the Park in years...there seemed to be more food vendors than artists. Hopefully, that has changed, so I will attend one of these soon.

I used to do that show many years ago when it was a twice/year event and always had a great time, but the directorship changed as did the quality of artists, as my daughter said, tables full of sand monsters and pine cone goonies!! LOL It sounds as if it's returning to it's old glory!
the weather for the last show i did was very windy and my things kept blowing off the table! shows can be alot of work,but they are also alot fun.
michelle allen said…
i totally have felt your pain! your post quickly brings back many memories, good and bad. we used to do art shows and i remember so well the rude people and the unexpected! i also remember the camaraderie and all the great people. your booth still turned out stunningly! hope you sold lots of stuff!
I wish I were there! All the best, Danita!
This is great Danita, where is this park? I really really admire you, you are a real inspiration to me, I do not know how you do all this things with a child and baby!!, I must say WOW!

Your space at the park was very small, but it's better that way I think, it looks more intimate, full of colors, I visualize it at night with garland of lights and soft music hehe

Congratulations again!
The best tip I have is-don't put all your items flat on the table,some most people just look quickly and judge what you're selling in a second.I got a tip from a website -buy 2 cheap notice board and 2 hinges and join together to display jewellery etc.I also bought a "branch "tree to hang stuff on and uses boxes covered with cloth to give height to your displays.Definitly a banner and your business cards and price all items as some people are afraid items might be too expensive and wont ask.So if your table is small tall displays work.I hope this is of some help
Jessica Rodarte said…
I love your booth. It looks very warm and inviting. I can imagine myself standing there looking and admiring all of your pretty art.
Danita Art said…
Thank you! I'll keep in mind your tips for the next time.
Georgina, I used to go because of the food vendors hahaha...just kidding...
Ana Gonzalez said…
Las mejores experiencias son las que no se preparan demasiado. Pues menos mal que teniais el arbol, al final quedo muy bien el puestecito.
Thoughtfulhands said…
I just love your art its all done with so much heart... and where can I get on of the bags with your prints on it they are beautiful :)
How excited I would have been to happen upon you in the park....I just love your artwork...happy creating~

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