Urban Angels
I've been having some rough days that transform into some rough weeks and now they have been some rough months. I used to be pretty healthy when I was younger. But suddenly that has changed. My father used to be really healthy. Now that has changed too. And it's hard to accept. Specially if you are used to be fine and your dad used to be fine and now you're both sick and not only with one thing but many diseases at a time. Awful. And not only that but other stuff that happened that in other time may not be very significant but when you put all together and add some more problems in just a week, you have a breakdown.
The amazing thing is, help sometimes comes from people you never expected to care about you. And the people you expected to at least ask how are you doing don't even bother. So I'll concentrate on the first ones. The ones who took 1 minute of their time and ask how I was doing, sent me a word of encouragement, a virtual hug or even took the time to chat with me and helped me go through it. Those to me, are angels.
And those angels gave me the strength to get out of that dark place and get to work again. Go outside. Buy an ice cream. Enjoy it. Life is beautiful. Thank you my angels. Small things really change lives.
best wishes, doro K.
looking at your beautiful pictures brings joy to me in tbe midst of chaos...I'm going to hospital today for more tests...scarey but seeing your angels and words bringsme joy..I hope you get well ill say prayers...have hope in your heart always...lizzi
mwah mwah! :*