Cloud making lady...

This is been one of the driest season in 40 years in my country, and this is rather sad.
I wish there was a cloud making lady who would be around spraying the sky with her cloud making mist and she would come and make things green again.


" M " said…
I love it ! I love she's spraying the clouds , you have such an amazing imagination . Too cute! : )
Clare said…
ah - weather manipulation - very sweet
the colors on this piece are beautiful danita!
Nova Melina said…
I LOVE it!!!
Annette said…
Wow, I am in the western USA and it has been one of the wettest seasons we have ever had. Wish we could send you some of our rain.
Oh my... she looks too sweet to make clouds! :]
Lovely artwork.
Nicola said…
ohhh love this one!!! I really need to try painting on wood!!! love the different mediums you've used on this and the shading! Hope you get some rain soon. Until last year we had been in drought for over 10 years it was so nice to see green again!!!
Anonymous said…
Your art is always wonderful! I so enjoy looking at it!
Sorry your missing the rain!
Maybe you could do a rain dance to bring it forward! Worth a try and lots of fun too!
JessiVille said…
She is SO lovely and clever! Maybe it's time for a rain dance... We had more than our share of rain this year - thought it would never stop. Wish I could have sent you some! Hugs, Jessi xox
Anonymous said…
specially the smell! i remember going outside to dance when it was raining when i was a kid in Mexico.
I loved it!! and miss it so much.

I love your artwork Danita!!

P.S.: maybe rain dancing will help bring some clouds :P
NoA said…
Fun idea! When she's done send her this way, please. Israel is HOT and DRY!
The Ink House said…
I love your work Danita!! This one is so cute. I just had one of your prints framed at home and it looks fantastic in my study :D
Helen Prana said…
Very cute piece and whimsical : ) Is that how they spell the word?

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