Painting big!

One of my resolutions for this new year was to paint big,  to step out of my comfort zone and try bigger sizes, but I think that I overdid myself on my first attempt hehe... I went from my usual 5x7 to 26x36 inches! It was scary!

Want to see some process pics?

 This is the first and most difficult step: starting!

 Once you start the rest is easier...

 Just add paint and some collage elements...

Maybe add a heart and some crackle medium...

 Continue painting...

And you're done!!!  It's that easy! (If you don't believe me that you can create small mixed media pieces, sign up to my self paced online workshop when I teach step by step how to make mixed media pieces, girls included, HERE).  I spilled all the beans in that workshop and once you are done with the class, all you have to do is get a huge canvas and scale your work.... 

Or maybe sign up for my upcoming class where I'll tackle the subject of overcoming the fear of creating mixed media on large format. Details will be published soon!

She's pretty big, right? It's so refreshing, so liberating to paint this size (once you get past the fear of the huge blank canvas, I mean) 
that you should try it too. I feel free as a bird soaring the sky letting my hands and brushes gliding over the spacious canvas...

So, what do you think?



I love it!!! It's beautiful!!! <3
Nancy Peevey saidā€¦
Danita, I love seeing the process! Your large heart girl is beautiful!! Please keep sharing!
Nancy Peevey saidā€¦
Danita, if you receive three of these comments, just delete two of them. I am trying to get my comments to you.

Thank you for sharing your painting process on a large canvas. It is very helpful to see how you do it. Your heart girl is beautiful!!!
Monica M. saidā€¦
Love it! I had no idea I had the same goal this year...PAINT BIG! Your classes sound great :)
Unknown saidā€¦
She's absolutely gorgeous! I love her cute little nose! :)

Blueberry Blonde saidā€¦
beautiful! the class sounds great; especially in learning how to get from the sketch book to the canvas!
Blueberry Blonde saidā€¦
Your big painting is every bit as lovely as the small ones. The class looks great especially in learning how to get from the sketch book to the canvas!
Unknown saidā€¦
Stunning Danita! You've inspired me to not get so intimidated in front of my large's a BEAUTIFUL painting! Thank you for sharing xoxo
Anita Van Hal saidā€¦
I think she turned out AWESOME! LOVE the face! Great job Danita! Love and hugs!
huntla1 saidā€¦
Danita she is beautiful! I just love her!
Anonymous saidā€¦
She's beautiful!!! I love it!
Charlotte S saidā€¦
She's wonderful! It's really exciting to see one of your lovely girls larger than life :)
Unknown saidā€¦
Just a beautiful Girl!
Regards from Finland! saidā€¦
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
Unknown saidā€¦
LOVE IT! I've gotten up to 13x19 and have 4 blank 24x36 canvasses hiding on my rack that I'll get to soon ish. It's definitely interesting going bigger! Your eyes are AMAZING on this big one! I would love to know how you did the eyes because they are a standout for SURE! Can't wait to hear about the new class (maybe you'll add in about the eyes?).

-Kaitlin Phillips Gooodey @ Stunningly Strange Gallery
manufactur-e saidā€¦
Es genial!!!! Grande!!!
Te felicito!


(por si le quieres echar un ojo! ;) )
Sarah saidā€¦
Stunning work Danita!
Gloria King saidā€¦
Se came out wonderful. She is so pretty and so you. NIce job.
Kim Caldwell saidā€¦
Breathtaking Danita! Truly lovely. . .


Jessi saidā€¦
Thanks for sharing your process for painting big - it's absolutely beautiful!
Jessi saidā€¦
Thanks for sharing your process on painting big - it's absolutely beautiful!
Unknown saidā€¦
Danita she is great!! I love her!
bohemiannie! art saidā€¦
She's really wonderful!
Gina Purlia Johnson saidā€¦
Wonderful! Fabulous! LOve the size! Beautiful job, Danita!
Jenny saidā€¦
She is absolutely stunning Danita... I LOVE her...

Jenny ā™„
Cindy Silverstein saidā€¦
What a beautiful painting, Danita! I love the sweetness of your work. I also have had the experience of going from small to large, and it was just as you said, both scary and much more time consuming than I had thought. Thank you for showing the progression of the painting. It is always fascinating to see how an Artist's work develops. Good luck with your show. The room is lovely and your work will be perfect in that setting.

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