
Is it just me or time is going faster than ever? I can believe there's only 4 months left and we call 2007 over...sight.... I remember when I was a kid and the days passed slooooooowly, even more if there was a holiday ahead.... which remind me that Halloween is just around the corner.. my favorite time of the year!!! No too cold, no too hot... a perfect excuse to dress up and play! And don't forget the free candy!!! I l-o-v-e it! And specially love making Halloween themed art. I just make some collages, but my favorite of all is this one:

It's called the "Redhead witch parade" and even though I'm not a redhead, it reminds me a lot of my mom and sisters...I love the way the 3 daughters are, the older the one who was to impress mommy and acts just like her, the one in the middle (that would be me) don't know if she should be like her sister or be herself, and the younger is playful and doesn't really care about anything. She looks like she's just catching up with the others... Awww how I miss my childhood!!!


Becky saidā€¦
Danita, your art is amazing. How very sweet your new pictures are. I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing your new work.

Danita saidā€¦
Thank you Becky! I'm glad my art makes someone happy :)
~Tonya saidā€¦
I too love your art! Halloween, how very sweet are those.

I could make halloween handmades all year long.

The whimsy of your art is so refreshing! I just love your Halloween art. I could look at it for hours. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Anonymous saidā€¦
I love it !!! And those little Tricksters are so tootin' sweet. I just love your style !!
Danita, Is the red headed witch parade available in print or in another form? Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Diane Duda saidā€¦
I'm also smitten with your little witch parade. Love all the black and white papers!
I'm sure it will do very well.
Danita saidā€¦
Hi Cindy!
It's for sale at Ebay. Just click on it and it will take you directly to my auctions. :)
Kim Naumann saidā€¦
Your artwork is so adorable! Great colors, whimsical characters, what more could one ask for?! Thanks for sharing :)
. saidā€¦
I am LOVING your Halloween pieces...hope I win ;--)

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