More new stuff.. preparing for the Shop Update!!

New little boxes

7 pretty little blonds... and one little Frida!

And three pretty fairy tale girls...



Naija said…
such cuties ,cant wait to see the result:)
margot said…
WOW, I love your work!
I'm loving the little blondes! Such wonderful faces.
they are all just so very sweet.
Kolleen said…
So cute!! Love the boxes
PeachyCheek said…
Absolutely adorable! These would make great easter basket gifts!! you are a true inspiration. Every time you come up with something new..I just become more creative!!! Thanks so much!
Flor Larios Art said…
Me encanta la Frida...mi favorita! caperucita no se queda atras...preciosa!
Anna M. Rosete said…
Hi, Danita! Is there any way I can request to reserve the Frida? Please let me know. If not, can you make me a custom Friday to go with the Friday painting I adopted from you? Lovely work as usual, Danita! More power!
artsy*dreams said…
Hi Danita,

So glad to hear all went well with your surgery. I know you are glad that is over with. LOVE LOVE LOVE your little dolls...especially the one that looks like little red riding hood in your last photo! You always have the best creative ideas! Thanks for always sharing a piece of your life with us!
kecia deveney said…
i love the dollies! can you tell me how tall they are? and when is the shop update? feeling better? it was so cute of Mr. Danita to post for you.
elma said…
ladyblackness said…
danita, si por mi fuera, iria alli y te robaria todo! jajaj
Unknown said…
Love,love, love the little boxes!! i just bought some boxes last night to make some new creations. Great minds must think alike! LOL! Just kidding...I'm nowhere near your talent...I bow to you!!
Doreen Frost said…
These are all just lovely!

Doreen :)
Lenae May said…
Delightful!!! Such great color Danita!
Oh wow! Lots of wonderful things. Can't wait to see them all in your shop. I LOVE your little fairy tale dolls :)
Anne-Julie said…
the little figurines look magical to me!!! as an Alice in Wonderland fan (you already know that!) I need to buy the Alice one! The little Red is charming too.. aww!
Pease Porridge said…
When I saw the seven little blonde girls and the one Frida I had to sing the Sesame Street song 'One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same'. Some vintage Sesame Street. Maybe you know it.
Very cute dolls.
Hi again! I've passed a blog award onto you- if you drop by my blog you can pick it up :)
Have a good weekend!
Em x
Awesome! I want little red riding hood!!
Awesome! I want little red riding hood!
sMacThoughts said…
I love how they're all gathered 'round to see what all the hullabaloo is all about!
Lucia said…
Your art is spectacular!!! And, you're a Cover Girl!!! Wow!!! Can't wait for the 6th!!!
bumblebird said…
The little wooden girls look just like your larger works. So precious! Hope you are having a great weekend with your family and feeling better soon...Take care!
Bonjour Danita! You impress me! You are SO productive of SO MANY beautiful pieces of art! And it keeps on getting better and better! Milliones de maravillosas! Buena suerto hoy con tu Etsy Update! Buena Semana! LuLu
Deirdra Doan said…
Dear Danita,
Your art is so inspiring and darling...I am so happy to find your sweet blog!!! I excited because my dolls are going to be in ADQ... my first published works.

Hope to get to know you and your work more.
Silke Powers said…
Your work is just beautiful! Love it!!

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