New Jewelry, Boxes And Mini Dolls Available At My Esty Shop

I have new boxes and jewelry just listed on my Etsy shop... Very nice, with new images and a new pendant style, simple but very cute... Perfect to wear everyday, any time! Check them out =)


Erica Herbert said…
hey dANITA! i heard something fabulous today~ AND JUST HAD TO SHARE:
~there are no shortcuts to any place worth going!"
smart, eh? Hope you are well!
Tracy M. said…
Yay! Can't wait to see what you've listed. Have a great day,
Tracy M.
Unknown said…
Me he pasado por tu "etsy" que bonitoooooos los colgantes y las cajas son geniales.Estupendo que manos......a mi me gusta mucho decorar cajas pero yo uso cajas de embalages usadas como las de zapatos,a ver si un día nos das algun consejito de como pintarlas para que nos queden un poco decentes.Bueno guapa sigue así que tus trabajos son una gozada.
Krissy said…
Wonderful! I'm off to visit your store. Can't wait...
They are very lovely!
simply*U* said…
Just wanted to say thank you for the angel. She is just as beautiful as I imagined!
I had to take a photo of her..
Unknown said…
Your work is beautiful! I love the character that you use for your pieces. I especially like the hand made Jewelry boxes you have featured on your Etsy site.

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