La Casa Azul of Frida Kahlo

You know how some people seem to infuse everything they do with their personal style? 4 Years ago I made my first visit to Frida Kahlo's home: La Casa Azul (The blue house). I was shocked. That house is so beautiful and it screams "Art" in every room and in every corner of the big patio. I can easily imagine her painting and working in her journal in one of the beautiful corners of the patio. This house was her. This place is pure magic. And you could spot it from miles away. Frida was one of those persons who really had style and she imprinted in everything she touch. And that just one of the reasons of why I like her so much. And this painting means just that. She is her paintings. She is her home. She was pure art.


Danita, I love your house-Frida. What a marvelous trip that would be! Thanks for sharing your story behind this piece.
America Alcala saidā€¦
You are so lucky to have been there Danita! I hope someday I will see her casa azul! Your painting is lovely and so sweet!
penumbraimages saidā€¦
i couldnt agree with you more I had the chance to visit the casa azul about three years ago and ive been inspired by it ever since. She is one of my favorite artists and to see her creative space and her bed where she slept and her kitchen were she cooked was such a dream come true. Thanks for bringing back the memories with your beautiful painting. :)
Rosa Witten saidā€¦
Beautifully said Danita! This piece is stunning. I do love your Frida inspired pieces. How lucky that you got to go visit her home.
Serpent Mandalas saidā€¦
I love the colours in this painting and the concept! :)
Clare saidā€¦
Danita - you have captured so well the essence of what you saw and the spirit of Frida in this painting. wonderful, exciting art spirit
Erica Herbert saidā€¦
SaraLynnArt saidā€¦
Oh my goodness, I love your image of Frida and her blue house. Amazing!
Marisol saidā€¦
Hello Danita, I love your work, especially Frida. Greetings
Julita saidā€¦
Love the colors. The piece is absolutely beautiful.
Ana Gonzalez saidā€¦
Danita me encanta la idea del vestido-casa.
Love this! You are very talented :]
Frida is one of my favorite artists.
What a lucky gal, to visit her home.
That must have been one very inspiring event.
Thank you for sharing.
Amanda Trought saidā€¦
Danita, this is a lovely painting, I too admire Frida, and would love to one day see her house. You have some really inspiring work. Stay blessed. Amanda

Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
Art Blog
Unknown saidā€¦
Danita! you are lucky becouse I'm italian and casa azhul is so far from me! someone ask me to make Frida and I want to remember definitely her home and her personality

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