The Workshop at Studio Crescendoh

I'm back from vacation and I'm trying to organize everything around here and going back to normal. The unpacking is almost finished. We had such a great trip. I meet wonderful souls there and made friendships that I hope to keep for life.  I'm so thankful for all the help I had and the great things and experiences that I had the opportunity to live.

The day of the Workshop I arrived early and was so nervous!  It was originally for 16 people and that day I was told that 19 were going to take it. So I took a deep breath, and in I went into this beautiful historical building, where Studio Crescendoh is located.

 I entered the studio and then I knew, I knew I was ready, I knew this was going to be one of the best experiences in my life.


People started arriving and setting up. We say hi to each other, talk a bit and then, suddenly the room was full with people eager to learn and to make art.

We stay there more time than planned, all busy creating, all busy enjoying every minute of it.

This was my first time for many things: The first time that I taught live, the first time that I created in a full room of creative people, the first time that I was surrounded by people that actually get what I do and they love it.

I could keep going and going, talking about all the wonderful things that happened that day, but I'll stop here and just say: Thank you. Thank you for being there and thank you for reminding me that as long as I have people like you I can keep creating and making what I love to do most in my life.

Thank you for being there.


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