Hair Up, Or Hair Down?

Well, making dolls has proven to be very therapeutic for me. It's kept my mind off things and allowed me to move on.  Now, I am not crying every five minutes.

Every time I embark on a totally different project, it sparks my creativity and I love the feeling of exploring new waters, creating with my hands is an experience I appreciate a lot, makes me feel alive.

And when I make dolls, there's something about the process that unleashes my creativity even more. Now I want to make more, create... I love the refreshing feeling.

I posted many more pictures of the process on my Instagram Feed and my personal facebook page... Drop by if you are curious and leave a comment if you liked what you see :) 


Муркина said…
I really like a doll!
I think it's better when the hair is down)
I'm glad to hear dollmaking is doing you so much good!

And the dolls turn out so amazing as well! I love this one with the braids down<3
Alex said…
Your doll is so adorable! I love everything of it. It looks so fragile and sad. It reflects the way you feel at the moment very well!
I'd prefer it with the hair down, but whatever you will decide, it will look pretty!

Could you please explain to me what paperclay is? Here in Germany I found 2 explanations. The one was: taking normal clay and mix it with wet paperpieces and letting this dry, the other one was: a ready-to-buy product for creative use (in Germany "Fimo" for example). Thanks for your help!
Clare Lloyd said…
It looks fantastic! I'd say hair down myself!
Ellen said…
Your dolls are adorable. The one with the pigtails would be my choice. Have a wonderful day.
Ana. said…
Preciosas!! Yo también hago muñecas con pasta de papel y me encanta. Tengo una en proceso mucho tiempo, pero estoy siempre con otras obligaciones y no le puedo dedicar el tiempo que quisiera. E incluso estoy investigando con otras arcillas... Ay, pero la bisutería luego es lo que más se vende y le tengo que dedicar más tiempo. Felicidades por un nuevo proyecto artístico que te ha quedado como todo, maraviiiiiilloooooso!!

Ya siempre te escribo en español porque en inglés me cuesta más. Espero que me comprendas! Un besazo!
carol gourley said…
Wow Danita! These are amazing, keep it up.
Mariah said…
I'm so in love with this doll! i need it!

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