Alice in Wonderland dolls collection: Finished!
I'm recovering from a 2 day root canal... and it's not over yet. Seems like I have 2 of the three canals blocked and the dentist is having a hard time trying to open them. I'll have to wait until I come back from teaching my class at Studio Crescendoh so the dentist can finish because he left some medicine inside my molar to try to open the conducts and it will have to stay there at least a week.
I'm so glad I worked so hard last week so I could finish the Alice in Wonderland Dolls and the class samples so this week I'll just concentrate in the things that I have to do and recover.
Comes Sunday and... The Alice In Wonderland dolls are ready to be purchased! Each one of them is an Alice in Wonderland character and they're dressed with beautiful Alice themed fabrics.
Tweedle Dee and Tweelde Dum are a 2 in one doll. I made them on each side of the doll. The Cheshire Cat and The White Rabbit have tails and ears and Alice, The Mad Hatter and The Red Queen each have a bow, a hat and a Crown. And they're so fluffy you will want to squeeze them and hug them... they're so cute!
Right now they're living with me, but they're up for adoption.
If you want to give them a forever home, you can do so by purchasing one (Or All!) of them from my Etsy Shop here.
Have a wonderful week!