Hi. I've been getting several emails asking me if I'm selling work under other ID on eBay and the answer is NO. Please be aware that I only sell my work on ebay under the Id danita.art and that all my listings have the name DANITA on them.

By the way, thank you for your support and loyalty!!



Lunara saidā€¦
hi Danita, how are you?.. i am beginning to sell on ebay too, but i dont know, i think my paintings lost between a lot of art... 8 (.. well i sold my first a weeks ago.. 8)... i will put more, maybe, did you speak spanish?.. sorry with my english.. Hugs Lunara
Danita saidā€¦
Hola Lunara! Si hablo espaniol :)
Es mu facil que se pierda tu arte entre tanto que hay en ebay. Te recomiendo que si estas empezando trates de poner varias piezas a la vez y la mejor la pongas como featured item para que llame mas la atencion :)
Buena suerte!
Lunara saidā€¦
Danita...!! gracias por tu consejo si q me hacĆ­a falta.. hehe.. besotes.. 8 )
Krissy saidā€¦
Happy Mother's Day, Danita!!
Tracy Nuskey Dodson saidā€¦
Hi Danita! I have seen the "Faux Danita's" on Ebay but do not fret....a true Danita lover knows the real thing:)
annas dreams blog saidā€¦
Feliz Dia de la Madre, espero que la hayas pasado super!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I dream to buy one of your paintings on Ebay! I am in love with the girl and the striped moon, totally me! :D

Hugs my sweet friend!!
suze saidā€¦
Glad you had a super Mom's Day! Are these imposters claiming to be you or are they copying your work? I haven't seen any.

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