This looks familiar...

A shy Danita as a girl

A shy girl by Francois Van Reenens


suze saidā€¦
That's too cute. Would make a cute painting.
ilaria saidā€¦
that is so pretty!
LuLu Mypinkturtle saidā€¦
Hola Danita! Como estas? Descansada? Hope all the tricks suggested worked to make you sleepy... Your picture is adorable and Francois Van Reenens's work is wonderful! I love his foam sculptures! They are so clean, so fun and yet so cartoony and graphic. Thanks for sharing this and introducing me to another great artist! Take care, LuLu
Dithi saidā€¦
Thanks for visiting my blog! Of course you can use the video, I love visiting your blog is amazing and your dolls are fabs. I am glad I found you on youtube today. Have subbed! Am looking forward to your videos.

Much thanks.


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