Coming rings, glass pendants and bags.

I just wanted to wish you all a great weekend. I can still work on my feet from time to time and I wanted to show you my latest work and to thank you so much for your good wishes!
I'll be listing these beauties soon!



andrea creates said…
I hope you're doing better.
I love the rings and bags :)
Corissia said…
Michelle said…
Love them all! Hope you aren't going too crazy yet!
Nicole Austin said…
fun and amazing! i LOVE the wonder woman themed items. so cute. i love everything you make, really! hope you're feeling better. baby making is hard work! :)
pilli pilli said…
Absolutely LOVELY!

I'm going to try really hard to get my hands on one of those rings... Or better: one of those rings on my hands! :o)

I often get to your shop too late... but hopefully not this time!

&Best wishes!
Nicola said…
These are all so lovely! wow! those bags are fantastic too! Great work!
Unknown said…
Hi Danitia, I am soooo happy for your news!!!! Wow another wee one to love!!!
moti said…
lovely and soooooooo cute!!!!!!!!

Rebecca Anthony said…
I am loving those gorgeous rings!! What are the things just below the rings (rectangular?) They are gorgeous as well!!
Anonymous said…
It's so beautiful !
Danita Art said…
Thank you so much!
The rectangular ones are glass pendants, but I haven't listed those yet :)

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