Intragastric Balloon anyone?

Fall is coming very soon. I'm starting to see yellow leaves and the weather is getting cooler. That means winter is not so far and another year will pass. That also means that this is my 30th year as an overweight person. I've been living all my life with extra pounds and I'm tired of it! Tired, depressed, sick... you name it, I am. I think it's time to change my leaves as the trees do and welcome next spring as a renewed, better me.
I've tried all the diets and pills and exercise that you can imagine. And I always got back to my original weight plus some more as an extra. So I considered a bypass for a while. I'm sure that everyone has heard about the wonders of the gastric bypass. How people has lost huge amounts of weight with it and keep it off for years. But I'm sure you also have heard of the downsides and the scary stories. So I'm not very convinced by it, yet. I'm thinking about other methods. Have you heard of the Intragastric balloon? It's a balloon filled with saline that you have in your stomach for 6 months and helps you with weight lost because mainly, you always feel full. Besides you follow a one year treatment with a doctor, a dietist and a psycologist to help you learn how to eat right, exercise and the most important thing for me, to solve the internal issues that get me to overeat. I eat when I'm anxious, depressed, tired, bored, angry.... no wonder why I can't lose weight. So I'm thinking that this may be the answer to my prayers. It's not an easy solution. It's not a fade diet. It's a lifestyle change and by posting it here I'm compromising myself to make it work.
I have a daughter I want to see grow up. I have a husband I want to grow old with. And I have the power to change to achieve that.... I'll making an appoiment soon. Wish me strenght!
I hope it will all work out well and that you won't be depressed by this issue anymore.
I wish you a lot of stregth but also positivity and optimism :D
This is looking reality right in the face~ It sounds like you are more than tired of the way you have been feeling. You deserve to feel great!~
It is clear that you bring an enormous amount of joy & beauty to people threw your life & art.And~ you more than deserve all that joy & beauty yourself.So~ give to yourself.
Why is that so hard for us? When we all know that it is the best thing we can do for those we love.
Danita~ I am so excited for you. You are going to look for answers & find them.
I also know that you have A LOT of people who love you~ you will not be alone.~Amy~
And your honesty in this post is also inspirational - thank you for sharing that. I am trying to lose some weight, too. May we both have luck...and extra willpower this year. Especially with the holidays coming up. ;)
We all have our issues, don't we?
I am sending my good vibes of support throughout the universe and know that they are landing smack in the middle of your world.
With love and support, D
I have never heard of this balloon method you talked about and I will be interested to see how you get on with it.
My thoughts are with you...
My mom had gastric bypass five years ago and I don't recommend it either. She lost a ton of weight but she still has the same mental issues she had to begin with. Whatever you do, make sure you go to therapy and learn about yourself...the weight is a very small part of it. Best wishes to you!
p.s. i have found myself smack in the middle of a Halloween painting frenzy!?
Good luck with your decision, it's not easy..
All my thoughts are with you!!
Since finally becoming a mother at 42 years old and struggling with my weight since childhood I too worry about my health... I want to be healthy for my daughter. I quit smoking as soon as I knew I was pregnant but have been unable to lose the "baby-weight", and I was 50 pounds overweight even before becoming pregnant!
Whatever path you take towards better health I wish you all of the best! I'm rooting for you!
muy buenas ilustraciones, saludos
muy buen trabajo
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