Talk Like A Pirate and pillage my Etsy Shop!... But don't burn anything!

Ahoy Mates! Come and plunder me Etsy store! A new jewelry treaaye will be listed over t' weekend for you t' pillage at you heart's content. :)

To celebrate the international "Talk like a pirate" day, we will
list a jewelry treasure over the weekend for you to pillage and plunder on original pieces worthy of a pirate's booty!... And don' forget to check out talking like a pirate too! ;-)


Sabbio saidā€¦
This is a funny talk! ^^ I didn't know about that day! o_O
Danita~ Ahh~you sound wonderful& happy! AIEEE~ keeps up that good work me matee!!!~Amy~
Heather saidā€¦
hahaha, sounds like a good time~!
Unknown saidā€¦
Hope your feeling well!!!
PeachyCheek saidā€¦
So cute:)

I love this piece in your Etsy Shop: Oxidized Metal Locket With Red Riding Hood Primitive Folk Art Illustration by Danita

Really pretty!!!
Tammy saidā€¦
As someone who visits but has been reluctant to post I have to applaud your bravery with balloons! In March of this year I too was unhappy with how I looked, felt, and was very displeased with what menopause/depression could do to a woman. I started to take better care of myself and to be accountable for what I ate. And I started an exercise program that would make any gym teacher proud. I am happy to report that at my last weight in several weeks ago, I am now 80 pounds lighter than I was in March. It was hard work, but I have been driven by the GOOD LORD and the love of my family. I still have a few sizes to go before I look like I should, but now when I look in the mirror I don't HATE what I see. I see what I have conquered. Keep a healthy attitude and remember where you started! And continue to inspire others. =)

Paola Zakimi saidā€¦
Danita cuanto me alegro que te encuentres bien de salud!, por muchos logros, y bellas creaciones, un abrazo desde mi pequeƱo pueblo!
noodle and lou saidā€¦
Keep feeling better Danita!

p.s. arrrggghhh
Krissy saidā€¦
Hope you are feeling better. You've been missed and warm wishes are with you!
Ruby in the Dust saidā€¦
Hope you feel better! I can't send you flowers, but I've given you an award for being such a great blogger (you might understand it better, it's originally in Portugese!). You can get it on my blog :) Heleen

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