New Halloween prints added to my shop!

Just a quick note to let you know that for the season I'll be adding Halloween prints to my shop. After that they'll be gone! If you couldn't grab the original, here's you chance to have the print!

Here's a sneak pick of what you'll find:



sMacThoughts saidā€¦
OH I love the little girl with the mask on! Let me go take a look!!
Sabbio saidā€¦
I love them, especially the last one! And I share your view and excitement about Tim Burton's Alice... yours is really beatiful, especially her hat ;D
Elena Ospina saidā€¦
magicas tus ilustraciones, me encantan
Anonymous saidā€¦
These are so much fun~I especially like the masked girl in the orange dress:)
p.s. congrats on your weight loss!!
Bobbi saidā€¦
Sounds like the masked girl wins the prize. She's my favorite too!
Those are fabulous! Your art puts a smile on my face.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi, I found your beautiful dolls on this blog
they look soooooo pretty.
LuLu Mypinkturtle saidā€¦
Hola Danita! Are these extra pounds melting away? I LOVE your latest paintings on eBay! When you have a minute, come over for a visit, I am having a fun Halloween Give-Away! Take care, LuLu
Tracy Nuskey Dodson saidā€¦
Too cute! Love the Halloween girlies!
Unknown saidā€¦
I love you. Not in a stalker sort of way, in a "your right up my alley" sort of way. Anyway, I love you.
Chic&Rude saidā€¦
Hi Danita. I absolutely LOVE your style, art and creations. Really. Compliments! Amazing..<3 <3 i will follow you often.


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