I'm back !!!!

I've got internet connection again!!! YUPI, BRAVO, AJUAAAAA!!!! Being offline is worse than I thought. One thing is consciously deciding to take a time off and do other stuff knowing that I can go back to the internet anytime I want... other very different is to not have access to internet at all! I'm surprised how addicted I am to this thing.... the news, the weather, the friends, the business... everything is here...

As far as I know it was not a drunk who crashed on the telephone pole, but some morons who stole several MILES of cable... our entire zip code was left with no phone service... and now that is restored I have another's person's phone line... Viva Mexico!... I don't care about the phone, but I've got half the bandwith that I'm paying for!!!!!! Anyway, half badwith is better than nothing at all.

And I thank you Mr. Danita for letting you know the bad news, but no, I wasn't lurking in allies or dumpsters, altought I thought about it... (next time maybe, now that you gave me the idea)...


ladyblackness saidā€¦
menos mal!!!!! que ya tenia ganas de saber de ti.. jeje
Sabbio saidā€¦
Funny drawing! :D And yes, this is surprising how we are addicted ^^
Caja_de_Tiritas saidā€¦
hello !! IĀ“m very interested in your Frida Box,I have a shop in Spain and IĀ“ll want to buy somebox. My email adrees is gudulina@hotmail.com, please write me,ok? Sarah
America Alcala saidā€¦
Welcome Back Danita! :)
Sara Moriarty saidā€¦
glad to have you back.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oh good,glad that's 'partially' taken care of....Hope it's all back together soon:)
Anonymous saidā€¦
It's great to have you back friend! :)
GlorV1 saidā€¦
Glad you are up and running. Have a great day.
Giggles saidā€¦
Lately my computer has been so slow but the server will never admit to traffic being too heavy during certain hours....It's very frustrating. I'd feel lost with out it for sure...glad you're back!

Hugs Giggles
simply*U* saidā€¦
I LOVE YOUR ART! And, on top you have a wonderful sense of humour.. Big smiles..
I can totally relate to those illustrations :D

Glad you are back!
Magic Moonlight saidā€¦
I just love your Work! and today I got the somerset magazine and I was sooo happy for you!! And I feel so Proud of you because you are mexicana like me, GRACIAS POR PONER EN ALTO EL ARTE MEXICANO!!!!TE DESEO MUCHOS MAS TRIUNFOS!! BLANCA.
That picture you drew is exactly what I feel like when my internet connection is down! Glad you got it sorted :)
M.M.E. saidā€¦
I saw your artwork in the Somerset Studio magazine. You are wonderful! I loved every piece they showcased. I'm so happy there are artists who still use paper as their media of choice.
Diane Duda saidā€¦
Poor Danita!
Glad you're back. :)
Tangled Stitch saidā€¦
Glad to see you back. Thank you for commenting on my blog!
Cat (darklingwoods) saidā€¦
so glad you are back online! I know how frustrating internet woes can be!
I just discovered your wonderful shop. It's so nice to meet you.

warm wishes...

The 6 O'Clock Stitch
Anonymous saidā€¦
Just poping in to say hi.. Hope the article is bringing you lots of good Karma. Hey I did not know we lived so close ...Well kind- of I am in Santa Fe . NM. Anyway hope all is well I moved my studio last week so I did have time to play on the computer for about 5 days. It felt so weird to get back to it. I felt so disconnected. Hugs Julie
Carolee saidā€¦
Glad you're back online! I was off for only two days recently when my computer tower's fan shut down - MAJOR withdrawls, lol!

~ Carolee

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