Day of the Dead with a Catrina

Thank you so much for your support to my shop update!!! I added some new paintings too that I didn't show yesterday and I'm working on some other things as well, but that's not what this post is about. This post is about the Day of the Dead. It was all about Frida this weekend.

First we set up the Altar at my daughter's school. Only other 2 moms showed up but we managed to make a pretty good altar. I brought many of my Frida items from home.

I wanted to put some tequila for her but it's a kindergarten and it was not a good example for the kids :P

She got lots of natural flowers and I taught the kids how to make some paper marigolds ;)

We also attended an Altar contest in the local Museum where all the Catrinas from our group were exhibited.

Here are some of my favorites from the show.

And finally, here's mine.

She got a brush and a palette, in case she needs them ;)

And the teacher gave us 2 options for her clothes: Paper mache or Crepe paper. I went for the crepe. If I ever want to dress her differently I just have to remove her clothes and make new ones.

I hope you enjoyed the tour! I have some more news to share but I'll do it another day. I don't want to overwhelm you with so many posts :P
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Kelly Snelling saidā€¦
she's fabulous, danita!! you did such a wonderful job on her creation. i am sure her namesake approves.
Pamela Holderman saidā€¦
thanks for sharing this - love it! Frida would be happy.
Pamela Holderman saidā€¦
thanks for sharing this -Frida would be happy!
LuLu Mypinkturtle saidā€¦
Hola Danita! Oh! Your catrina is AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL! What a fun day it must have been for the kids! You did a great job with the altar and all that colorful papel picado, I just LOVE papel picado! Bravo! Viva el Dia de Muertos! Viva Mexico! Hugs, LuLu
Sabbio saidā€¦
Danita esta muy maravilloso todo eso! Me encanta mucha lo que se hace en Mexico para esto dia :)
Cecilia e Helena saidā€¦
Danita, your Catrina and the altar are amazing! I love this Mexican tradition/party and I wish we had something similar in Brazil!...
Stacy Shpak saidā€¦
Its amazing! thank you!
Kathryn Zbrzezny saidā€¦
Beautiful! Wonderful! I loved this! Thank you, danita. ~K
Unknown saidā€¦
So beautiful Danita....and its keeping the kids involved in a tradition

GlorV1 saidā€¦
I too loved this tribute to El Dia. Thanks for sharing.
Anita Van Hal saidā€¦
beautiful! thank you for sharing! hugs!
Lucia saidā€¦
Beautiful pictures! Thank you!
Unknown saidā€¦
Thank you for sharing this !
This is a fantastic doll, bravo ^^

I don't know a lot about that tradition, but it looks to be an amazing one
Tales of Mommydom saidā€¦
Wow! Very pretty and interesting to look at.
Ann's ART saidā€¦
I love it! You are amazing. I am working on a collaborative folk art project. 12 artists each submitting 1 image. If you are at all interested, email me

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