So many new things to share!

It's Day of the Dead already and I have so many pictures to share with you... but the day is not over yet and those pics will have to wait. First I want so share with you pics of some new stuff I've been working on before I start updating my Etsy shop with the new stuff. I'm also working on new jewelry but I'm not finished with that one yet.

Medium size peg dolls with super cute wood mushrooms!

I just got back these dolls that were featured in STUFFED magazine and they will be available too.

Another doll that was also on a magazine, but this one in Art Doll Quarterly ;)

Some new original paintings with unicorns. My daughter just got a mini plastic one and it's been her favorite toy lately.

Mini peg dolls in festive and sparkly coats. They have a house too!

New brooches too! It's been long since I first made them a similar batch and it was time to make another.

Lots of Aceos with vintage and new papers and your favorite images embellished with free motion stitches.

And, since times goes so fast it's never to early to start gathering ornaments for your tree this Christmas season ;)

And finally, a pic of my little Alice going trick or treating. I couldn't make her leave her Elmo basket and use the other one instead... oh well, she's only 3. It's only natural.

She was so excited with all the candy! It's not her first time but it's the first time she actually knows what she was going to get. It was fun! How was your Halloween?


Gracie saidā€¦
how lovely!
tascha saidā€¦
WOW! You have been busy!
It all looks so yummy! Love the sparkley coats!
America Alcala saidā€¦
Everything you do is wonderful! You create so much so fast and I wish I could do that. Your daughter looks wonderful in her costume!

jacqueline saidā€¦
I adore your new items especially the ary doll and broches! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
O H I K A saidā€¦
Hola, buenos dias Danita!!

Love love what you have done here!! All of your work is lovely as always!! Wonderful work!!!!!!!!!
Heather saidā€¦
I LOVE your work! LOVE IT!!
snippetgirl saidā€¦
SOOOOOOO many wonderful treasures!! I love them all.
LuLu Mypinkturtle saidā€¦
Bonjour y hola Danita! WOW! So many, many new things in your shop, you never cease to amaze me! I am having a shop update too, tomorrow night, Nov 4 at 10 p.m. Eastern Time! It's about time I show everyone something new!!! Your daughter is getting big real quickly, isn't she? She is a young woman now! Good luck with your sales, Hugs, LuLu
Lunara saidā€¦
EstƔ muy bonito todo Danita, me encantan tus muƱecas. Los unis me gustaron bastante. Y tu catrina! yo tambiƩn hice una Frida calaca en machƩ, chƩcala en mi blog a ver si te gusta. Un besote..!
Tiny Ribbons Studio saidā€¦
Oh Danita!

I love your work. Have I said that before? Why yes, I think I have!

Your little girl looks so cute in her Halloween costume! Love those tights!

Unknown saidā€¦
man you sure have been prolific..even with a 3 year old!! beautiful work!!

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