The most beautiful feedback...

I received a comment in one of my posts that are just worth it mentioning. It's from Mary, one of my collectors, and I've read it and read it over again because it just makes me feel happy.:

Danita, I've been meaning to write on this Blog for ages. I was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer last year in late November. I discovered your art while I was off from work during my chemotherapy, and as you know, I've been buying quite a bit. Even when I don't buy, I LOVE watching out for the new stuff you're doing. It always brings me great joy! But I did want to share that the last painting I bought ("Trust," with the girl putting her head inside the wolf's mouth) is probably my favorite because it reminds me of how I trusted in God and the love of my friends and the expertise of my doctors -- and even though I've had my head in the wolf's mouth for the past year, I have come through this stronger, happier, and healthier. My last test showed no evidence of Cancer. Hooray! Thank you for all of your beautiful uplifting art! Mary

I'm so happy for her because she's now Cancer free. And I'm happy because my art helped her go through her illness and brought joy to her life. Congratulations Mary!!! I'm so glad to have helped!


Anonymous said…
that is beautiful, danita. and three cheers for mary! i found out i had breast cancer in january of this year. art was a miraculous gift for me during the fight and it still helps me every day to keep it all glued together in my head. it is surely a blessing. i am so glad that mary had your work to lift her up. thanks for sharing her good news on being cancer free!
suze said…
YAY! Good news. I feel the same way about your art and I love the "Trust" painting also.
What a great story Danita! I love it when someone takes time to really let you know what art means to them. It can really drive one as an artist. Happy to hear your art has helped someone through the most difficult of times. Good work :)
Iside said…
maravilloso Danita. Debes sentirte muy feliz y tener una satisfaccion enorme al haber ayudado con tu arte a traer la salud y la paz. Grandioso y en hora buena!
Shelly Atkinson said…
Thanks for sharing Mary's note....that is wonderful! As a cancer survivor....I understand what she means! Congrats Mary!

Shelly Atkinson
~Red Tin Heart~ said…
danita, that makes my heart so happy for you. your art is wonderful.. like fresh rain. thank you for my picture you mailed to me. i love it. xoxo nita
Anonymous said…
Isn't it amazing how art can help us go through hard times? Great Danita! Congratulations Mary!

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