This is going to be my busiest Christmas...

Tonight we finished setting up our mini Christmas tree (bought specially that size for my daughter who is 17 months old). We purchased very few lights and plastic ornaments as to avoid possible danger for her. At first she "helped" us and tried to hang the ornaments. She came and went as any good toddler who can't be in just one place. She was fascinated with the ornaments when one of them fell and started bouncing all over the floor. Everything was perfect and we finished setting up the tree and then she came, with a big bucket, and then she started taking down ALL the ornaments and trowing them into the bucket!!! I'm glad the tree is small and there are not too many ornaments, as I will be decorating it the whole holiday season...


Becky saidā€¦
Those are beautiful pictures. And what a sweetest tree.

Anonymous saidā€¦
such delightful photographs, I love the way she is decorating and undecorating, so sweet.
tascha saidā€¦
What a pretty tree! Your daughter is a little angel!
Anonymous saidā€¦
You have such a beautiful daughter! Enjoy the season long decorating.....
Glad to see that you are smiling a bit again. But after those photos, who wouldn't?
~Red Tin Heart~ saidā€¦
How beautiful! Your little one and your tree. I love the red bulbs. xoxo Nita
Anonymous saidā€¦
What a fun holiday you'll have with your daughter. The memories of her decorating and redecorating your tree will stay with you forever. The photos you took of her are beautiful... such a dreamy quality they have.
LuLu Mypinkturtle saidā€¦
Hola Danita! I have meant to write for a while to let you know how much I appreciate your art. Your paintings and dolls are so different and poetic, I just love your art! I also like your Mexican background and reading about your family and your personal interests. He apprendido el espanol a la escuela 3 anos in Quebec y despues estuve a Mexico tres vezes, viajando en todo el pais con my esposo en una camionetta, de Montreal a Tulum en el Yucatan. I LOVE Mexico, the people, the country and all its history and art. I always say that if I had a prior life to this one I am living, I must have been Mexican... You are lucky to have a great little family, so do I, and that is all we need to be thankful for. Cheer up, Danita! That is all that is important! I am a fellow painter sellingon eBay and Etsy. I have added your blog to my favorites on my brand new blog. I will make sure to visit yours daily and please come and visit mine any time.

Take care,

Sam I Am saidā€¦
awwww...what adorable pictures..she is soooo cute :)
you're gonna have soooooo much fun this christmas :)
Annie Patterson saidā€¦
Oh these are lovely pictures! Your daughter is so adorable! The colors are nice too. MY daughter is 20 months and I'm wondering how our tree situation will be this year too!:) I tagged you on my blog to list 5 random things about yourself, if ya want to.
Aleta saidā€¦
Your post made me smile BIG!! Christmas through a childs eyes is pure magic! You will, indeed, have a busy holiday. Treasure every moment!!

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta

P.S. I adore my Santa!! I will be posting a picture on my blog later this week!! :o)
Aleta saidā€¦
Your post made me smile BIG!! Christmas through a childs eyes is pure magic. Treasure every moment!

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta

P.S. I adore my santa!! I'll be posting a picture on my blog later this week!! :o)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Dear Danita!
I just need to tell you that I find you one of the most joyous and prolific artists online! Although I am not priviledged to own any of your pieces(something I soon hope to remedy), I have watched you grow in your style and talent and I am delighted to watch your incredible energy as you create one piece more beautiful than the next! I read recently in your blog that you suffer from depression - although I could not decern it from your work, I now understand the emotional pull I feel when I look at a painting you've done. I feel like you are a friend even though we don't know each other!
Thank you for sharing a little bit of yourself in your blog and in your artwork! I'm sure that I'm just one of many who are cheered by your presence online!
Hugs, Laura
p.s. your courage in speaking about depression has given me the ability to mention it in my own blog - it felt good to talk about it - so many of us suffer with this!
Autumn saidā€¦
Hello, Danita! Your daughter is so adorable--her pictures just made me smile! And she definitely put me in a baby mood! :-) Enjoy your merry making!
Wendy saidā€¦
Your daughter is sooo precious! I love that little tree too!
Danita saidā€¦
Thank you all for your comments! She's indeed beautiful (the mother speaking)... What can I say I'm in love with her :)

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