Halloween in June at the PFATT Marketplace!

This month's at PFATT Marketplace is all about Jack o Lanterns and Spooky things!
You can't miss this one!

Here's my offering... "Getting even"
The pumpkin got his revenge!


Flor Larios Art saidā€¦
Sos genial! me encantan los colores...la sonrisa mala de la calabaza y sobre todo el bolso de los caramelos...estupendo todo!
Silke Powers saidā€¦
Isn't that the cutest - er, scariest - little pumpkin. Love it! Although it's hard to think about Halloween here in the sweltering summer heat...:) Silke
Unknown saidā€¦
your paintings look so great on the fabric , Such detail!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oh!! It's really nice! I like so much Halloween time and I find this art doll adorable :)
Robin Thomas saidā€¦
Oh, you are too cute as is your pumpkin head! I meant that in the kindest way...
Micki Wilde saidā€¦
Omg this guy is the cutest, and just look at that bag!

Micki x
Amy Perrotti saidā€¦
He, he, he. Sneaky Pumpkin! Me likey.
Amy :)
dollproject saidā€¦
hehe--love the tiny candy basket.
Lydia saidā€¦
Love the little girl head lantern. So cute!
Kelly saidā€¦
That is the cutest pumpkin!
I swear my 2 year old nephew has that same grin when he's making mischief...
Unknown saidā€¦
very cool punkin!!!
Deyrn Mentock saidā€¦
Danita...this is absolutely adorable! So clever...
Grace Garton saidā€¦
Just took a quick visit to the PFATT marketplace...WOW there are some incredible work there! Boy Howdies folk art is just wonderful....your's is too.
I know where I'll be stalking tonight! Off to paint tiny shoes on elephants!


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