Halloween in June at the PFATT Marketplace!

This month's at PFATT Marketplace is all about Jack o Lanterns and Spooky things!
You can't miss this one!

Here's my offering... "Getting even"
The pumpkin got his revenge!


Flor Larios Art said…
Sos genial! me encantan los colores...la sonrisa mala de la calabaza y sobre todo el bolso de los caramelos...estupendo todo!
Silke Powers said…
Isn't that the cutest - er, scariest - little pumpkin. Love it! Although it's hard to think about Halloween here in the sweltering summer heat...:) Silke
Unknown said…
your paintings look so great on the fabric , Such detail!
Anonymous said…
Oh!! It's really nice! I like so much Halloween time and I find this art doll adorable :)
Robin Thomas said…
Oh, you are too cute as is your pumpkin head! I meant that in the kindest way...
Micki Wilde said…
Omg this guy is the cutest, and just look at that bag!

Micki x
Amy Perrotti said…
He, he, he. Sneaky Pumpkin! Me likey.
Amy :)
dollproject said…
hehe--love the tiny candy basket.
Lydia said…
Love the little girl head lantern. So cute!
Kelly said…
That is the cutest pumpkin!
I swear my 2 year old nephew has that same grin when he's making mischief...
Unknown said…
very cool punkin!!!
Deyrn Mentock said…
Danita...this is absolutely adorable! So clever...
Grace Garton said…
Just took a quick visit to the PFATT marketplace...WOW there are some incredible work there! Boy Howdies folk art is just wonderful....your's is too.
I know where I'll be stalking tonight! Off to paint tiny shoes on elephants!


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