Too much information...

I went to the movies yesterday. I watched "The fox and the child". A beautiful, inspiring movie. I needed some time to relax and going to the movies almost always do the trick. This time it didn't fail. The movie is so beautiful, with wonderful scenarios and lots of wild life. I'm longing for some time in a place like that.

Lately I've found that I spend most of my time online. Updating my flickr, my blog, facebook, twitter and the store has become a full time job. Sometimes I spend more time in the computer than making art. I wonder what should I write where and if I'm not boring you with so much information... or if I should post the same thing everywhere so you don't have to check them all... or if I should take more time to create instead of being on the computer but then you will forget about me because you're not seeing what I'm doing. Other days I have so many things in my mind and I'd love to write a long post but the time passes and before I know, I already forget what I wanted to write. Or nothing interesting happens to me and this blog becomes more a compilation of pictures than a blog. But again, I'm an artist, not a writer. I prefer a 1000 times more to paint than to write and sometimes is easier for me to show you what I'm doing or how I feel with a picture than with words.
Does this make sense?

Finding the right balance between all those things plus the real life is a real challenge. What do you think?


I find it challenging to balance it all, too.
Unknown saidā€¦
Tienes mucha razĆ³n que tener actualizado, es muy trabajoso y si tienes mucho trabajo es un agovio.A si es que nadie mejor que tĆŗ sabe lo que te combiene. A veces necesitamos un poco de tiempo para nuestra vida diaria y desconectar de vez encuando. Un besote. Ahhhhhh!!!! estĆ”s muy guapaaa......
O H I K A saidā€¦
It does make sense!! I find myself doing the exact same thing. So I decided to put all that energy creating what I love most. And when it's time to post new creations I just do. I love to write, I do I do!! But Like today I decided that instead being caught in the computer which after a while I get moody if I do. I go and walk in the woods breath get ideas and spill myself on paper, or just take a few days off to relax and let go.

You do fabulous work Danita!!
Cecilia e Helena saidā€¦
Danita, you look beautiful! I love everything you post here, and I love your art... I understand your dilemma!
Love from Brazil
andrea creates saidā€¦
I very much agree~Some days I think why am I spending so much time on the computer when I should be making things...I try and justify it by telling myself I need a creative break once in awhile :)
Unknown saidā€¦
Oh Danita, I can so relate!! My hubby told me "you have to get off the computer". As I write this my hands are covered with paper clay and I am waiting for some paint to dry, sound familiar? Everyone I talk to who works as full time artist says the same thing and that is why another reason I am compelled to go to the computer too ,as I find like souls in the world that I would never have found if not for this crazy machine. HMM love hate ....
Anonymous saidā€¦
I totally understand and I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel that I am hiding on the computer when my inspiration is low and I don't know what to do with myself- if that makes sense.

I am planning to have a week with NO internet. Hard but I am going to do it soon. ;) Best wishes on finding balance- you can do it.

PS- I LOVE that picture of you- tooo cute!
vivian saidā€¦
balance? balance? whats that? OMG.. i'm sooo out of balance!
the computer and internet are so very addictive. Ive considered limiting myself to a few days a week. but havent decided for sure how to pull that off yet!
good luck finding your balance, and please do share with us any good tips as you try to find your way!
Rhomany saidā€¦
Balancing? More liek juggling over here!
Kathryn Zbrzezny saidā€¦
I think we all find it difficult to balance it all. Some weeks I can't even make it to the grocery store...but I created a lot. Other weeks I have a clean neat house, but didn't satisfy my creative side, read enough, or write much, and I feel disappointed. Then the next few days I will work very hard on playing catch-up with another part of ME, but then I feel guilty when I let something else go...Maybe women never can do enough..and do too much! I honestly think you are wonderful the way you are and should keep doing what you're doing! if you feel like blogging, I love to read it--because you are honest. Keep being yourself! Your art rocks my world. (And thank you for making sweet journals that I love...!) ~Kathy
Micki Wilde saidā€¦
I know just how you feel, I am really only starting out and already feel that my time on the computer takes away my creative time, but if I don't blog, flickr etc then no-one see's my work and I would have to get a real job lol ;)
*sigh* what is a girl to do?

Micki x
Jane Moore Houghton saidā€¦
I think all artists who are trying to find the freedom and breath to create while at the same time, being a mom and a business person find it really challenging. I can certainly relate and constantly feel guilty that I'm not doing enough in all areas. I just remind myself I'm doing to the best I can! Love your spirit - it is so apparent in your work! Keep it up - it brings smiles to so many no matter how often you post!
Anne-Julie saidā€¦
that could be something I would have written myself! i second you on everything Danita, I'm asking myself the same questions, and I think we're doing our best.. and hopefully people know that :)

Unknown saidā€¦
I love your blog but I don't follow you on twitter or flickr. I love all of your post here on the blog and I hope you will always have time for this! (and each post on this blog is so interesting!)
Art by Darla Kay saidā€¦
I could have written this post myself! I think we all feel this way sometimes.
I tend to have more time during the weekdays to write on blogs (shhh, while I'm at work) but once I get home, I have so much to try and get done, not to mention the art part!
memegalarce saidā€¦
I think the important thing is whatever you make have more sense for you at a time, not every day you feel the same way ... sometimes you just want to say more things than others, sometimes you just want to keep silent and speak your mind with other language ... the important thing is that's in tune with what you're feeling ... we will follow it anyway, because we like to see what you do and who you are, with all the variations that may have.
A hug and thanks for your wonderful work...and sorry my english...
Cindi Myers saidā€¦
I agree with all the other comments. This computer stuff is so addicting and not good for my procrastination problem!
But I must say that I adore your work, you are so talented! and it's so nice to read your blog because it's so obvious what a sweet and honest person you are, besides being such a good mom. I'd worry about you if you didn't check in every now and then! So there, I've been no help at all! because I'm telling you to keep creating and keep blogging... just do whatever feels right at the time! There's no way I would forget about you and your fantastic art!
Unknown saidā€¦
Oh gosh...I feel the exact same! I post a new blog post, then go to twitter to post a new picture, then ..well you know the routine! If all we did was paint, we would never have a following would we? Wouldn't it be great if we were so successful that we paint all day and an assistant did all the postings??? That wouldn't really be fun either because it wouldn't be from your would be from your assistant's heart..haha. Oh well, We just keep up with what we are doing..try to find a balance that works for us! I say we spend more time creating that posting!!

XO Karen
sMacThoughts saidā€¦
I am suffering the same conundrum... But in light of that, yes, keeping up with other's blogs and networking also takes so much time, if it's just posted photos of works in progress, or images which might inspire you, with little or no caption to explain, I am most happy. I am a visual person, and just don't have time to read. Blogs with long paragraphs of words make my eyes glaze over. I just don't have the time. I need to follow my own advice on that, too. :P
Parece que nos pasa a todos lo mismo... amo crear, pero desde que tengo el blog, paso mƔs tiempo con la computadora, actualizando, viendo otros blogs... que "haciendo"! si sigo asƭ no voy a tener nada que mostrar en el blog! ;)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hello, I just found your blog. There are so many places on the internet that it can make you crazy. I was spending too much time every day updating lots of different places with the same information. I finally put a stop to it. I have my blog, and I'm looking for a group or two to join so I can socialize and I'm going to paint more. All this internet stuff was taking its toll on my art time.
Cara Carmina saidā€¦
you know what... my sister just introduced me to twitter.... I have had 2 blogs since 2005, and now I open a 3rd one and my flickr... and mmmm my store... oh ... I opened my twitter but honestly donĀ“t see the point... I also spend too much time in the computer... I totally understan how you feel... I guess... weĀ“ll have to breath deeply and sleep less...

some chocolate?

flying away now...
Unknown saidā€¦
Has puesto en esta entrada el dilema que tenemos todos. Si nos dedicamos al marketing no nos queda tiempo para la creacion y al reves ocurre lo mismo, Āædonde esta el equilibrio? yo tampoco lo he encontrado aun. Las redes sociales son una gran invento pero a la vez son maquinas infernales engullidoras de tiempo. La solucion seria las asistentes virtuales, pero no se..., Con el tiempo yo tambien me he dado cuenta de donde funciona mejor nuestros posts y alli donde veo que no funcionan en un plazo de tiempo razonable, pues me borro, porque el tiempo es valioso, aunque tambien posteo en sitios simplemente porque me cae bien la persona o porque hace cosas interesantes.
Frika saidā€¦
I think you make really nice paintings and dolls and I think you post very often. I find myself writing less and less in my blog because in the end I am no writer so I totally understand when you say that you like to show your feelings or what you are doing in a picture instead of writing about it.
Good luck with the creativity and finding time!
Natalie Jean Kelsey saidā€¦
I agree totally. I had a week of butt flattening networking blog speaking of the same deal:) Create that is what I say. Which do you love the most? Create! If you are living in joy and purpose things will fall together beautifully. Hey wouldn't it be cool to have a tape recorder to our brains so while creating and thinkning our thoughts would be captured and put into our blogs:) My blog then may be Way out there :) lol have a great day and get your booty to your studio minus keyboard:)
Bonafyde saidā€¦
Gosh do I ever feel you on seeking to balance it all! Between taking care of my two kids, taking care of my home, creating and yes..... the internet.... my other love....I literally get lost in Blog land and time gets eaten up. I have to strike a balance and soon... getting to bed earlier would help, I've been struck by a heavy case of insomnia as of late.

I wish you much luck in finding your own balance, rest easy knowing we are all on a path towards it!
eme de rita saidā€¦
Tienes toda la razĆ³n Anita...y veo que nos pasa a la mayoria (leyendo los comentarios)...Seguro que la clave es econtrar un equilibrio entre una cosa y la otra..que es lo complicado,claro estĆ”! quizĆ” hay dĆ­as para todo, y cuando no escribas y crees tendrĆ”s mĆ”s cosas que mostrar...lo que si te puedo asegurar es que dificilmente nos olvidaremos de tu arte.
Peng Peng saidā€¦
danita, i think u speak for many of us! I too find it a challenge to keep up with all the 'social networking'.
perhaps setting a time limit for the internet stuff, say 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour at night, or what works best for your schedule. Good luck!
I TOTALLY get you :)
Danita Art saidā€¦
I feel great after reading all of your comments. Seems like I'm not the only one who is struggling with this issues and it seems like it's a thing we all have to learn to deal with!
So there will be days that will allow us to be calm and do everything we want and other days that will be chaotic and won't give us a free second.. but in the end is all about trying to make the best of our time :)
Thanks a lot!

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