Weekend At The Park!
Hello! How was your weekend? My family and I were to a local park that has a giraffe and ducks and a pond and we got mugged!!! We were peacefully eating a bag of Cheetos and suddenly a gang of ducks started gathering around us and my son quickly climbed on top of a bench all scared, the ducks went under and all around his bench and took my son's Cheetos Bag from his hands while making a good deal of noise.
We all had to run away from them and and went to play with the giraffe instead. He's much more nicer than the ducks (although he had stolen an apple from me once when I looked away), he leans forward to eat the crackers and carrots people bring him and you get to touch his head and cute little horns, he's very friendly!
There's a guy that rents electric cars and my daughter got to ride one.... She decided to get even with the ducks and was chasing them all over the part in her pink jeep, and our son was running screaming away from her after he saw her driving style. It was so much fun to go and just be outside and play and walk and watch the beautiful colors of fall!
We also taught our daughter how to play checkers. She got the game rules instantly and I couldn't win a game more than once! She's pretty good!Mr. Danita played with her a lot too and in the meantime I managed to make some art... It's being photographed right now and will be in the blog in a little while... Be patient!