Hello again! I'm back!!
It's been 8 days already! Where have I been, you wonder? Here. Haven't moved a bit. But lately I've been more of a dreamer than a doer. I have so many projects in my mind and I haven't done a thing! Well I've done little things, like new jewelry and I'm also working in some new and different dolls... but it's all been so sporadic that I don't really consider it work as I'm used to. I'm still catching up with last year stuff (yes, can you believe it?). The culprit of all this? My daughter. She refuses to nap lately. And I'm potty training her... so whenever I put her in her crib to take her nap she starts screaming that she needs to pee... and once she goes she starts scraming "I want another booootleeeeee mom!!! Fill it up!!!!!!!"... If I accept, she will request to go pee again, as she refuses to sleep with her diaper wet (Altough she doesn't mind playing Wii or watching TV with it!!). And If I don't refill it I have to hear screams and more screams. Then she will say she's hungry and she wants something to eat. Or she would simply refuse to go to sleep at all. "Me awake. Me no sleep" she says.... oh well.... I hope she goes back to her routine again or else I'd go crazy.... We have to do a lot of stuff to keep her busy and in the afternoon she's all cranky and I'm even more. Once is time for work I don't want anything but go to sleep. Any advise my experienced readers out there? I know many of you have been through this. Please help me!!!!
Maybe you could shift your work times at night or very early morning until she goes to school when you could work back during the day... this is just an idea ;)
Another idea which worked with my daughter for a while is to see if she wants to create too and let her do things like you (maybe not with all your materials if too dangerous for her) For my daughter I let her come with me on her little table and while I painted she could paint too, do like her muim ^^ So she was really calm, creative and felt we did the same thing :)
but in your place I think this is just little change and she will start sleeping but you need to be consequent in explaining top her that there is a nap time and everything will be waiting for her when she wakes up - but this all is going to be harder now anyway so you better get used to her making you tired...
good, long walk before trying to put her to bed is a very good idea
take care
ps good you back again
I donĀ“t have any child, itĀ“s just my thoughts:)
Good luck to you:)
They didn't really need naps anymore, because they wouldn't get cranky but I did! One thing I did was to close all the curtains so it's kind of dark and read a book while they were laying down. I also had a little noise maker for my daughter and it would help her sleep...the white light sound...sort of like a fan. Hang in there!
Oh I feel for you. I would like to think I am a consistent mom but when it came to my 3rd child and her sleep I was NOT and paid the price.
I have heard to put water in the bottle and then they won't want it.
What if you told your cutie pie when she WOKE up she could have a bottle or a sippy cup?
Be consistent and hang in there. I know it is so hard to hear them cry.
I think she knows what to say to escape the crib, my daughter Hope did too (she's now about to turn 10 lol)
If I think of anything else I'll share:)I'm sure others will give advice too.
LOVE your art and I'm always so impressed with how much you get accomplished!
I believe we were pregnant at the same time, so our daughters are very close in age.(2 1/2) We just finished potty training her about 2 weeks ago. (That's with no diaper overnight too.) It took about a month. We asked her to go potty on schedule, like once an hour, just to get her in the habit of stopping play, and going into the bathroom. If she produced anything, she got one M&M. (My kids really don't get candy unless they're at Grandma's, so they'll pretty much do anything for it.) Anyway, then before bed and nap, I didn't give her any drink for one hour prior. Otherwise, she actually got up in the middle of the night, and woke us up to take her to the bathroom. Plus we bought her the Dora training seat she wanted, bought the movie "Potty with Tutter" and let her pick out her own big girl undies. She is so proud of them. Hope this helps!
hope, you'll overcome it soon!
Oh, it's a toughy....that whole raising kids thing! My girls are 3 and 5 and I'm always wondering, 'what the heck do I do now?'
Hang in there. It will get better.
I used to teach preschool and the single most important thing to do is to be consistent...most parents didn't want to hear it, but it is what really works! Kids are so smart! If they see you waiver once..aha..they know it can happen again. No matter what you decide works best for your family is what you have to stick to...no matter how they protest and believe me they will...soon they will "get it" that mom or dad aren't going to budge so they better accept it. When my children didn't want to take naps anymore and I knew for my own sanity I needed that break time, I told them this time (mine was a hour) was for mommy and them...I got them a clock and marked how long they would be in their room so they could watch...they didn't HAVE to go to sleep but this was "our" quiet time, they could look at a book, do a puzzle etc. but they had to be in their bed and in return I found things to do so they wouldn't hear me about and knew I was also taking a quiet time too. At first of course they protested...it was a pain.. but I kept putting them back and soon it wasn't a problem...the plus side was many times they fell asleep even when they didn't "have" to! What worked for me may not work for you but the most important thing is to be consistent...once they see a chance at inconsistency they will pounce :-)
Hope this helps alittle...by the way I was at the bookstore the other day with very limited funds and I found "Stuffed"...I almost didn't get it at first because I knew it would take away from my budget...but then I thought "HEY MY GIRL DANITA'S IN THERE I HAVE TO GET IT...so we will have sloppy joes and hot dogs a couple time this week! Now to just find the time to read it!
Sorry this was so long!
Hang in there...before you know she will be a teenager and OH BOY!!!